3 Keys for a Fresh Start


I'm not sure if you noticed, but it is cold season! This time of year in the transition between seasons we are more vulnerable to catching a bug.

Last week I was hit fast & hard by a big cold. I have thankfully recovered quickly because I took getting healthy pretty seriously.

I want to share with you some tips for boosting your health when you aren't feeling your best.

First of all - it's never too late to start.

You may feel like you can't work out like you have wanted
               because you've fallen behind in your routine,
                       your physical fitness has declined,
                             or maybe some sort of situation has set you back.

Whatever it is that has shifted your state:

  • an aching back

  • a wicked cold

  • 1st trimester nausea
    ...You can change the course and create a fresh start.

A decline in your health may be scary, uncomfortable or frustrating.

You may not be able to move in the way you normally would.

I find when my clients have had injuries or illness that they learn so much from the heightened observations they make about their body and their needs.

Listening to the state of your health can be an incredible teacher of understanding how to support yourself on deeper level.

And it is ... A chance for a clean slate.

My invitation to you this week:

If you are feeling out of balance, rushed, frazzled, run down.... then give yourself permission to start over - without prejudice.

When you are in times of stress it is vital to UP your efforts of self-care.

Here are 3 keys for a fresh start:
:: Take time for rest - go to bed early & create time for naps
:: Massage your body gently - nourish your muscles & skin
:: Practice some gentle moves regularly - stay aligned & flexible

Choose the direction that you would like your health to go.

Start fresh this week and make conscious decisions about how you will move your body, nourish your body and rest.

As always I love supporting you & helping you feel your best. I'd love to hear how you are creating a clean slate for yourself. And if you'd like more support let's connect about Private Pilates in the studio or the convenience of your home.

Wishing you radiant health!

Fran Darnell