I Have Big Exciting News!


Today I want to share my big personal news with you!

I am moving to DC! At the end of March I will be moving from NYC to DC to live with my love, Eddy. 

A wonderful benefit of this big move is that I will also be moving closer to my family - and will be able to spend more time with my mom, my dad & sister. It means so much to me to embrace each moment with my mom as her health declines with Alzheimer's disease.

Amidst my excitement about this big move I have also experienced some major fear and anxiety.

After living in NYC for the past 12 years and building this wonderful community here I am also so sad to leave.

While I will continue to teach clients virtually through Skype sessions and will return to teach workshops it is hard to consider letting go of all that is familiar here.

Transitions are tough - and it can be so hard to be in the middle of the unknown.

As someone who loves having a plan, a consistent routine, and feeling grounded :: thinking about and anticipating this move has been a big growing experience.

If you are in transition, learning your new role as a mother, planning a move yourself, changing jobs, going through a break up, caring for a loved one who is ill, or any sort of shift in your life I share my experience with you in hopes that it will help you tend to yourself through the passage.

Wishing you radiant health,

Fran Darnell